Carpet cleaning in Lindon Utah

Carpet cleaning in Lindon Utah, 801-756-2275  

When we are cleaning your carpets in Lindon, we will put up and Seal-A-Door to keep the bugs out of the house and the pets and children inside of the home. In the winter time it really helps to keep it warm inside of your house, so when I am done carpet cleaning a room my fans will work better if it is warm inside the room. Just think of a hair drier, heat and air movement is what dries the carpet.

Then, we will do everything to protect your home, by putting down blankets and tarps on the floor we are not cleaning and putting corner guards to protect the walls of your home. Then we will pre spray your carpet and scrub it with a Brush Pro to break away any soil that might be in the carpet. You can see in this video, how the carpet is already looking better just by scrubbing the carpet.

Then we will steam clean the carpet with our powerful truck mounted steam clean unit. As for truck mounts it is one of the larger truck mounts out there. In this picture can you see we are making a difference in the carpet we are cleaning.

If you have some furniture that you want moved, just ask, Judy and I can move it and then move it back after we cleaned under the furniture and we will put plastic tabs and styrofoam blocks under the legs so the wood stain on the legs do not bleed on the newly cleaned carpet. We will do everything we can to protect the things in your home when we are carpet cleaning. . 

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Here is a video of us carpet cleaning in Lindon Utah. Maybe you can take a look. Having the right equipment and products to clean with and the knowledge on how to use them is very important. I have been cleaning carpets for 30 years now so this is not my first walk in the park and most other carpet cleaners think I should be teaching classes on how to clean carpets. The fundamentals of carpet cleaning, CHEMICALS using the right product for the right fabric and soil in the carpet, TIME to let the chemical break down the soil,  AGITATION they have been doing this for years when washing your clothes. Do you remember your mom rubbing your shirt together? And last TEMPERATURE, the hotter your water is the better your pre spray will work on the carpet to loosen up the soil. 

Can you see we are making a difference when we are carpet cleaning this home in Lindon Utah?